Not to be missed in the surroundings of the Arcimboldo… …

Even before reaching Sirmione we can see the imposing Scaligero Castle standing out against the sky in the distance. Strategically positioned before the only road of access to the mainland, with its towers and crenels, it is completely surrounded by water.

This powerful stronghold dates from the XIII century and is one of the most complete and well-preserved in Italy. With its basin – still perfectly preserved – it is a rare case of a fortification destined to use as a port.

Access to the castle today is over the drawbridge and visitors can climb the 146 steps of the keep and walk the rounds of the battlements.

The “Catullo Caves”, not just the most important testimonial among archaeological finds from the Roman era in the Sirmione area, is considered the most grandiose example of a Roman villa ever discovered in northern Italy.

The archaeological complex, only partially excavated, used to cover an area of about 20,000 square metres. The great villa, under which structures dating from the I century BC have been found, dates from the early first century AD, and it is thought that it belonged to a member of the Valeri family who became Consul in 31 AD.
The exact period and the motive for the decline of the villa are not known but the discovery of tombs, both inside and outside the building, dating from the IV – V century AD indicate however that it had already been abandoned by then.

The archaeological site is at the tip of the Sirmione peninsula and can be reached only on foot – about 1 km. from the castle – or, from April to October, by means of an electric train which leaves from the square in front of the spa.

The historical Sirmione spas are among the most renowned in Italy. For more than 100 years they have provided spa treatment thanks to a very precious natural element: salty sulphureous waters containing bromine and iodine, a water with therapeutic properties, an ally of well-being.

In 2003 the two important spa structures (Terme di Catullo and Terme di Virgilio) destined to the cure of numerous ailments saw the addition of the “Aquaria” Thermal Wellness Centre”. Surrounded by a huge park, Aquaria is situated directly on the banks, splendidly framed by Lake Garda which offers an infinite panorama where sight is lost between the blue of the sky and the waves of the lake. A natural and magic place where spa waters and wellness unite in a single element in which to find a new equilibrium in harmony and serenity.